The thirteen stories that will appear in the Visiones 2013 anthology have been selected. The anthology is published by the Asociación Española de Fantasía, Ciencia Ficción y Terror, and this year the stories were selected by the team that runs the website.
Visiones is an annual anthology of original, unpublished short stories. Each year, the individual or group that selects the stories has complete freedom to set the criteria for the anthology. This year the stories fall within the mythology of Cthulu, and only new, commercially unpublished writers were eligible to submit.
Short stories, in order of publication:
1. “En las entrañas de la locura” [“In the Entrails of Madness”] by Sergio Moreno Montes
2. “Cinco gránulos de liao” [“Five Granules of Liao”] by Javier Fernández Bilbao
3. “El hotel de los pasillos silenciosos” [“The Hotel with Silent Corridors”] by Manuel Niell Barrachina
4. “Miedo y asco en el pabellón sur” [“Fear and Loathing in the South Pavilion”] by Pablo Loperena
5. “Servidor de los dioses” [“Servant of the Gods”] by Ismael González González
6. “Destinatarios ocultos” [“Hidden Recipients”] by Tristán Oberón
7. “Sacrificio” [“Sacrifice”] by Carlos Javier Lluch Mercader
8. “Relación de lo sucedido con el Pacific Mermaid” [“Account of What Happened to the Pacific Mermaid”] by Rubén Blanco Domínguez
9. “Ojos de gata” [“Cat Eyes”] by Miguel Martín Cruz
10. “Walpurgisnacht” [“Walpurgis Night”] by Juan José Tena
11. “El último amanecer” [“The Last Dawn”] by Juan Miguel Gutiérrez de la Solana Sánchez
12. “Colony-233. Primer contacto” [“Colony-233. First Contact”] by Jaime del Moral Lacárcel
13. “Llave de coral” [“Coral Key”] by M. F. Wlathe
Cover art: Rafa Alonso.
Congratulations to the authors and artist.