2013 Ignotus winners

Spain’s 2013 Ignotus Awards were presented on December 14 during Spain’s 31st annual national covention, XXXI HispaCon/Quartumcón, held in Quart de Poblet (Valencia).

The Ignotus has been Spain’s national SF Award since 1991. It is sponsored by AEFCFyT and is voted on by association members and HispaCon attendees.

The winners are:

Best Novel: El mapa del tiempo [The Map of Time] by Felix J. Palma (Plaza & Janés)

Best Novella: “Osfront” by Eduardo Vaquerizo, José Ramón Vázquez y Santiago Eximeno (Ediciones del cruciforme)

Best Short Story: “Neo Tokio Blues” by José Ramón Vázquez (Prospectivas) (Salto de Página)

Best Anthology: Terra Nova. Antología de ciencia ficción contemporánea [Terra Nova: Anthology of Contemporary Science Fiction] edited by Mariano Villarreal and Luis Pestarini (Sportula)

Best Non-Fiction Book: La ciencia ficción de Isaac Asimov [The Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov] by Rodolfo Martínez (Sportula)

Best Article: “Ciencia-Ficción en español” [“Science Fiction in Spanish”] by Fernando Angel Moreno (Prospectivas) (Salto de Página)

Best Illustration: Cover art for Terra Nova created by Ángel Benito Gastañaga (Sportula)

Best Audiovisual Production: Los Verdhugos, a podcast by Miquel Codony, Elías Combarro, Josep María Oriol y Pedro Román

Best Comic: Espinas [Thorns] by Santiago Eximeno y Angel Manuel Sánchez Crespo (The End 2012)

Best Poem: “Quiero comerme tu máscara de gas” [“I Want to Gobble Up Your Gas Mask”] by Santiago Eximeno (Groenlandia 14)

Best Magazine: Delirio [Delirium] (Biblioteca del Laberinto)

Best Website: La Tercera Fundación [The Third Foundation] by Los Conseguidores at http://www.tercerafundacion.net/

Best Foreign Short Story: “El zoo de papel” [“The Paper Menagerie”] by Ken Liu (Terra Nova)

Best Foreign Novel: La ciudad y la ciudad [The City & The City] by China Miéville (La Factoría de Ideas)

The 2013 Domingo Santos Award for best unpublished short story, selected by a jury, was also presented at Hispacón to “Remolinos de viento coloreado” [“Colored Whirlwinds”] by José David Espasandín García and to “Artículo 45.1″ by Aitor Solar Azcona.